Fifteen Minutes of Fun (and lots of me time) 9/17/12

Today kicks off the first full week of having the kids (my own and my borrowed ones) in school all day.  Imagine, that’s over 25 hours a week alone…woo  hoo!  Now, I have a list as long as my arm and some pretty ambitious projects in mind but today I really just sewed.  Oh, and I did 45 minutes on my elliptical machine while watching an episode of “Luther.”  Let me tell you, “Luther” will raise your heart rate while you’re working out…that show has some very dark elements!

So, what did I do today?  Mostly, I put corner triangles on the twenty kaleidoscope blocks that are going to be the quilt that Fabric Engineer is quilting for me.  It’s one of my oldest UFO’s.  I think it may be 1987 but I have to check to see if any of the selvages have copyright dates.  (I almost typed 1897…sorry I’m not quite that “vintage” yet!)  Gizmo is giving the quilt his stamp of approval in this shot.



Then there were today’s Jamestown squares, pictured above.  I first had to cut the strips I cut yesterday into triangles then I ran a few pairs through the sewing machine.  There wasn’t as much time this afternoon to work on anything as I had to pick DD2 up from school and take her to participate in a DAR kickoff to celebrate the 225th Anniversary of the Constitution.

Tomorrow is a cleaning/errand/project day with three book reviews I need to write and some paperwork to finish up.  For tonight, it’s off to bed with me and my little grey snuggle bug.  We definitely need our beauty rest after a long day of sewing!

Happy quilting,


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