What Would You Do With 15 Minutes a Day?

Two completely unrelated things happened lately that got me thinking. First, my copy of Bonnie Hunter’s new book, “String Fling” arrived in my mailbox with the pattern I’ve been eyeing up on her blog, “Jamestown Landing.” Second, my Flylady timer surfaced. (I never would have thought of looking behind the bookcase in the entry way if I didn’t have a missing library book to find.) Now, I know, I have many timers in my house but somehow my Flylady timer has a clout that the others don’t. It’s amazing how much more I can get done when I use my timer. Well, to make a short story longer, I was looking longingly at the Jamestown Landing pattern and thinking how would I ever find the time when I decided…why not do the pattern in 15 minute segments? After all, it would be a pretty bad day when I couldn’t find 15 minutes to work on something. Now, understand that while I’ll be showing you what I get done, I’m not going to be giving pattern dimensions or instructions because this is not my pattern. (Oh, and I did get Bonnie’s permission to do this, just in case you’re wondering.)  If you haven’t been to Quiltville.com, treat yourself to a visit because Bonnie’s site is PACKED with awesome free patterns and her blog is such fun! I dare you to not be inspired by her work, especially if you are a scrap fan like I am.

So, here’s my challenge for you. What have you been wanting to do/make/read/write that you haven’t had time to do? I’ve got my first project picked out, why don’t you pick one out and join me?

Oh, and here’s a link to Jamestown Landing on Bonnie’s blog…isn’t it wonderful?!

I think I’ll make this new challenge start just in time for my birthday week.  So, get your gears turning and join me starting August 20th for the 15 Minutes at a Time Project Party…I’ll show you my progress and I’d love to see yours!

2 responses to “What Would You Do With 15 Minutes a Day?

  1. Great idea! I haven’t done that one, but am working on Smith Mountain Morning. Can’t wait for Bonnie’s next mystery. I do have another complicated quilt I want to do–Hawaii Sunset 1840. Jo at Jo’s Country Junction is working on it in sort of like you are suggesting here…maybe I just need to go for it! Thanks for the motivation!

  2. I’m in on the challenge. I so hope I can stick with it and get one of my UFO’s done. As of right now I’m thinking of finishing a flannel shaggy quilt from about six years ago. Or maybe some I Spy quilts. I have so many UFO’s that it’s hard to pick one.

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