In Your Words (or should that be “in my words?)…psst..giveaway alert…

Either way you title it, this is a very fun blog hop that wouldn’t exist without the wonderful Madam Samm (someday I’d love to meet her in person) and the lovely Linda at Buzzing and Bumbling.  I’m so excited to be a part of this and am grateful for all their efforts!

Please be sure to stop by and read the other “wordy” quilts today at

Tuesday, January 15
BQuiltin Studio  (Beverly K.)
Hill Valley Quilter (Britt-Inger)
Bumbleberry Stitches  (Theresa K.)
Outback Crafter (Debra S.)
In Stitches and Seams  (Annette S.)
Englating  (Marica from Sweden)
Stitchin by the Lake  (Marlene B.)
Selina Quilts  (Selina)
Words & Stitches  — You’re here!
I was introduced to the idea of words in quilts by a lovely lady in our quilt guild named Helen Grigg.  She not only quilted words into her quilts but had a “coded” quilt that I never heard of anyone deciphering.  I began free-motion quilting words into my quilts but wanted to make more of a statement with letters.  I loved paper-pieced letters but wanted something “freer.”  Along comes “Word Play Quilts” and I was off and running! 
One of my first efforts was this one

This hangs in my kitchen (where I spend a lot of time with children) and reminds me to soldier on with a good attitude!  Another opportunity to use Tonya’s terrific system was on a quilt for my mom’s 80th birthday commemorating our first three trips abroad together. 


This quilt was the first time I ever broke out my tri-recs ruler and boy I just love it!

There’s a Yellow Fish Quilt basted but not in a place for me to photograph at the moment because, yes, being the queen of procrastination, I’m writing this the night it’s due!  I had grand plans of making a quilt to commemmorate our trip to Hawaii but my sewing area was right next to a daughter’s murphy bed so my time was limited.  (She’s my light sleeper.) 

I bought fabric for a Hawaiin Word Quilt I had floating at the edges of my imagination so I started with the word I like best in Hawaiin…


How can you not love a word that can mean “hello”, “goodbye” and “I love you?”  I made this with not a whit of an idea where it would go or what I would do with it but then I was inspired!  While we were in Hawaii, I jotted down the Hawaiian spelling of all of our names (cribbed from key chains in tourist shops) and one name eluded us.  Low and behold, a lovely lady on our plane ride back told my younger daughter what her name was in Hawaiian.  I think I’ll use this as the jumping off point for a quilt of Hawaiian words including all of our names.  Oh, and some turtles, definitely turtles, oh and some whales, we saw whales this trip…and a rainbow…maybe?  What was that I said about finishing two old UFO’s before  starting a new project?  As far as I can tell, I’m about six UFO’s behind and January isn’t half-over!

Speaking of words, though, on a more serious note…I did pick up a tip from a Julie Morgenstern book about using a word or statement as a theme for a season of your life.  My words this season are “Frugal Abundance.”  Opposites, you might ask?  No, my goal this year is to celebrate the abundance of what I have while being frugal with my funds.  I want to enjoy the abundance of family, friends, felines, fabric, four-leggers (I couldn’t figure a word for dog that started with ‘f’), and other fun and fantastic things I already have but don’t always appreciate.  So, with words on my mind, I picked up this 1/2-yard piece of “wordy” fabric to give to one lucky winner (chosen by Mr. Random after the hop ends.)  Just leave me a comment and tell me what word, or words, you would choose for this season of your life.   


Thanks for stopping by and Happy Quilting.


91 responses to “In Your Words (or should that be “in my words?)…psst..giveaway alert…

  1. Great projects with the free pieced words and love the stories with them. Thank you for sharing.

  2. My word for this year is thoughtful. I want to think more about how I am spending my time and resources.

  3. Thank you for sharing your words and the great giveaway!
    jbechosend at sbcglobal dot net

  4. My word is patience. I need to use it more generously. I love all your wordy projects! 🙂

  5. Oooh they are all lovely – you could have had furry friends for the dogs!

  6. Your projects are lovely and I love the quilt for your mom. Cute! My word is Listen. It is easy to hear but it needs more to really listen. I want to practice this.

  7. Letting Go would be my two words to describe this season of my life. Words can always make us stop and read and absorb and learn.

  8. What great projects! I’m still trying to decide what I want to focus on this year. I’m thinking something like accepting. Accepting what I can do, what I have, who I am and those around me. Thanks for the moment to think about it. 🙂

  9. Beautiful projects. My word is freedom. Freedom to create to my hearts desire.

  10. Love the words!!! Carry on!
    hulseybg at gmail dot com

  11. what a lovely idea to commemorate a special trip with a quilt! Your pieced letters are fabulous! A word for my season? Luck. I could do with some.

  12. My word is hopeful, for a better year than last. Your projects are great and I can’t wait to see your Hawaiian quilt when it is done.

  13. My word is Reflection, try to think of the positive things and things we can be grateful for!
    A lot seem to be using the Word Play book – maybe I should look into adding it to my library!

  14. Love your projects! We are certainly blessed with abundance! Thanks for the inspiration!

  15. Lovely projects. I think I would choose “Go with the flow” as things happen and we sometimes must do just that.

  16. What great words for this year… I learned a while ago “have what you have” and I love it, enjoy and really have what you have, I am sure there’s plenty of amazing things! Thanks for sharing your cute projects!

  17. After too many years of worry, fear, and postponing things, this year’s word is FUN. I hope I am finally learning that having fun is the best gift I can give my friends and family, as we laugh and grow in love together.

  18. Precious, enjoy everything and everyone who are precious in my life.

  19. Love the Paris quilt! That is totally terrific!

    Hubby and I are on the same wavelength as you… being thankful and being frugal..

  20. Great quilts. Your Hawaiian names sound like so much fun! My words right now come from a little sign I bought in an Arts Community. It says “Live the life you have imagined!” As I near 60, I get a greater sense that time is fleeting, so we should make each day count. If we don’t fulfill out dreams now, when will we?

  21. Thankful is my word. This year I am writing a Thankful list. Everyday I write something down I am Thankful for and everyday I look back over all the previous days and see my many blessings.

  22. Just lovely!!!! I really like the Girls going places piece….and how did you like Hawaii?????

  23. Wonderful contribution to InYourWord’s Bloghop!

  24. I love your word quilts. Hmmm, “hopeful peace” . Is what I would choose.

  25. Beth I am with you,,,let’s travel, great wordy quilts

  26. Frugal abundance – love it! I think that works for me – I am satisfied with life, grateful for what I have and have had, and frugal … is this an age thing. 🙂

  27. Beulah @ Sowing Stitches

    You are ‘on to’ the word quilts…looking forward to seeing more of your wordy creations in the future!!! 🙂 My words for this season: Lavish LOVE, Extravagant ENCOURAGEMENT, Global GENEROSITY, Radical RESTORATION.

  28. I didn’t know aloha meant 3 different things. My word for this year would be perseverance. To remind myself to stick to it.

  29. Great post and wonderful projects , my word would be love , without love there is nothing . Thanks for sharing !

  30. great word quilts. thanks for sharing them.

  31. I love the quilt for your Mom, actually, all your words are fitting for you.

  32. My word would be simplify, thanks for sharing today loved seeing your projects!

  33. Love your projects, thank for sharing them with us.

  34. My word is Breathe.
    Campbellamyd at gmaildot com

  35. What wonderful wordy projects! You did a great job and it looks like you had fun!

  36. Love the paris quilt. Sooooo pretty…. my word…. again! Is simplify. I really am trying to appky this to my life.

  37. Great projects – I love the free pieced letters!
    My word is ‘Breathe’

  38. My word is “renew”. for 2013 for body (?), mind and soul.
    I love your wordy destinations 🙂

  39. The Word Play Quilts book is on my wish list. I love the quilts you made using this technique.

    I have been trying to decide on what my word for the year is for the last couple of weeks and the one that keeps coming back to me is “think.” I have an impulsive personality and it can get me in trouble, and i can be especially impulsive when it comes to buying fabric. Think is my reminder to think it through carefully before I do something, say something or buy something. Thanks for forcing me to decide on my word! =D

  40. What fun projects. I have never tried piecing letters, but just might give it a try now! (after all I do have the rulers) LOL!! My words would be young at heart, but my boys would say… older than dirt, ancient, crazier than a loon! hahahahaha

  41. Love these quilts- and your phrase for the year is wonderful!

  42. Great projects with the free pieced words and love the stories with them. Thank you for sharing.

  43. The one you did for your mom is awesome, what a great way to commemorate trips, your Hawaiian one will be awesome too!

  44. My word for the year is “organized”. I’m trying! lol.
    Funny that you should mention this book – my guild will be working with it next month to create kid’s quilts for charity here in Chicago. Can’t wait to get started!

  45. My word this year is Thankful. I am thankful for family friends and even hateful people and mistakes. They are all apart of my life and I have to be thankful for them or else I would not be who I am:)

  46. My word for the year is Accomplish,.. there is so much I want/need to do.

  47. Love it! Both my kids have been to Hawaii for their honeymoon’s, maybe I’ll get there someday…..sigh….

  48. My word this year is Joy. I want to find more joy and give more joy.

  49. Frugal abundance. I like it!

  50. I love your quilt! The way you incorporated the pictures into your stars – just perfect! I want to travel with my quilty friends too – what a hoot!!!

  51. I love your writing style and all the words you used in your projects!! Keep Calm and Carry on – definitely!! And Frugal Abundance – gotcha! Love your giveaway fabric too 🙂 My word this year is FIND – find more time, find more fabric, find more patience….

  52. Frugal Abundance makes perfect sense to me. The three trips quilt is fabulous! The word I’m focused on at the moment found it’s way into my quilt for the hop, BLOOM.

  53. Wonderfully creative projects and your work is very nice. My word is Masterpiece for this year. More to come later. Judy C

  54. Healthy living

  55. Your projects are very beautiful. For me is the word Love
    Thanks for sharing your projects

  56. I really need to start appreciating what I have more, too! Family is my word!! Thanks for sharing.

  57. Great idea to remember your trips with quilts. I’m with you on loving the word “aloha.” It’s just perfect.

    My word for the year is “share.” Check out my stop on the hop to find out why!

  58. I adore your travel quilt. What a marvelous keepsake! I am trying to embrace the idea of ”hope”, though at the present time, “stress” is ever present.

  59. Those are words we should all live by, “Keep calm and carry on”. Your projects are all so lovely.

  60. My word for this season of my life is Hope. Thank you for sharing your lovely word projects

  61. What beautiful projects! Love your quilt from your travels. Clever idea! Love your words “Frugal Abundance”, these should be my words as well, hehe. I’m trying to be more positive, remembering even though times are tough, I do have lots of Blessings in my life and there are others suffering far worse than me. Thanks for sharing your projects with us, awesome job!

    Thank you for a neat giveaway and a chance to win.


  62. My word would be focus. I need to focus on the important stuff, and put the clutter aside.
    Your projects are marvelous. I love the signs! I love red 🙂

  63. My word is patience but I could use calm to in my kitchen. I have a blind grandson who is a little monkey and takes lots of both. Thanks for sharing all your projects are lovely.

  64. My 94 year old Mother just moved in with us so I think I would have to say Patience. I am learning to have more and that is a good thing. I love your projects. We all need to count our blessings. Thanks for sharing.

  65. Our “f” word for our dogs is “fur-baby”. And my word is relax. I want to relax with what I have and just enjoy it. I love all your word quilts. I may make one of my own.

  66. I love the Frugal Abundance thought! Your wordy creations were lovely. Thanks for sharing!

  67. Satisfied is what I would have to use for this season of my life – definitely satisfied 🙂

  68. I’ve seen the book Word Play Quilts on the Martingale website and was intrigued. I can see that I at least need to add it to my wishlist. My words lately are regroup and reorganize. I recently retired and have been busy trying to clean out closets, cabinets etc. Without a schedule or deadline I’m easily distracted. After all I’d rather be sewing or being Grandma!

  69. The word for me is “content.” It describes perfectly how my life feels right now.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  70. First I really like your projects. My word would be “Organize. This time of the year is when I like to get things in order–For awhile anyway!

  71. My word is going to be finish it up!!!!!! Loved your projects. Thanks for being part of the hop.

  72. My word this year is challenge. I want to challenge myself in all aspects of my life. To push myself creatively, spiritually, relationally to consider a few. Thanks!

  73. Love your creations… thanks for sharing! This year my word is “Stay Positive”!!

  74. Annette Schultz

    great post thanks for sharing your stories and projects.
    what would my words for this season be…….. stay focused…… I have a few projects on the go and it is sew easy to add just one more . but if I stay focused I just might get most of them done….
    in stitches

  75. Love all of your projects,especially the Aloha one! How cool that you are using all of your names in a project. My word is finish,because I want to have a lot more finishes this year 🙂

  76. What wonderfully wise words you have given us today – frugal abundance. I love that! I feel so blessed and truly want to use what God has given me in the very best way. I suppose my words would be the ones I used on a project I showed on my blog…”Because nice matters.” Sometimes all it takes to make someone’s day is a little nice. blessings, marlene

  77. I love quilt for your mom from your travels.. how fantastic! Thank you for sharing… this has been such a fun hop.

    I hope you’ll check out my daily blog.. my day is the last day, tomorrow!

    Pat Sloan
    Radio show Host… The Voice of Quilting

  78. I love your words frugal abundance… hmmmm words that I would use to describe my life right now. Resourceful, thoughtful and kind would be good ones, but many words are important to me, these are just a few. 🙂

  79. Remember is my word–the ones who have passed, to enjoy the ones still here, that I can take care of things, that I am strong. Thanks for the giveaway. vickise at gmail dot com

  80. Too bad your 4-legged friend didn’t have a name like Fred or Franklin or Fiona!!! lol Great projects with words – good luck with the Hawaiian quilt; marvelous idea.

  81. I am still striving to do my best is my season of life. Continuing to do better at everything.

  82. Your projects are awesome. Thanks for sharing. My word for my season…patience. I could use more patience.

  83. I love your work and all of your words. I would say my word for right now is “busy”, and I am retired! Everyone said you get busier after retirement, and they are right, but it has been fun traveling with friends, helping others, spending more time with family.

  84. I love the commemorative quilt. Of course, for me…it would just be a dream destination quilt! Thanks for sharing!

  85. What lovely projects you’ve done. I esp. love the wonky style quilt withthe three cities on it commenmorating the trips abroad with your Mum. Nice! I did think of a f word to describe your dog. How about furry friend or just furball if he’s too rambuctious at times? lol
    Thanks for sharing and for hosting a giveaway too. Jane

  86. lovely work thanks for sharing!

  87. Hi!!! Oh!!! I love the Hawiian quilt!!! Great to these memories put into a project!!!! So fun!!!

  88. Thanks for shareing all of your word projects with us.

  89. Love your ‘word play’ quilts. I think I need to look for that book.
    I think my word for this time of my life is learning. I’m new to quilting, learning alot from Mdm Samm’s blog, getting ready to take a class on FMQ to learn that part of the quilting process, just learned how to make a coin purse and print your own fabric.
    Thanks for sharing and the opportunity to win.

  90. Fearless would have to be my word for this year. I love your projects.

  91. My words are Renew & Organize!

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