All Flocked Up

Ever since I first saw the block lotto bird blocks, I’ve wanted to try them. They just made me smile. With one thing and another, they kept getting pushed back to the back of the list. Then came the perfect hop and I knew I had to move my dream flock to the top of the list! Joan, over at Moosestash Quilting put together the hop with a bunch of talented stitch-ests from all over the web. I always feel honored to get to play along in this talented group. Many thanks to Joan for her exceptional cat-herding skills!

These blocks start out with a square and some background fabric. Honestly, looking at my rather, well, lets just say “well-endowed” stash, I was unsure where to start. I finally grabbed the piece of blue batik that has been floating around on the cutting table and spotted a piece of Kaffe fabric on the top of the bin where I keep pieces for string blocks. At first the cutting seemed a bit fiddly, but once I got the system down, it was fun! My first two birds had a pretty wide stance so I lke to think they’re striding purposefully somewhere, maybe to the feeder? The next four blocks came from two stray charm squares and another piece out of the string box.

You can find the video tutorial for these birds here.

Here’s the start of my little flock. I’m looking forward to a whole bunch more!


I’m looking forward to playing with more of my scraps and building more of these little blocks. I’m thinking I need some pink birds and some birds with red chests like the robins I’m seeing in my yard. And, of course, I’ll need some crows because I love crows!

Speaking of birds in your back yard, have you tried the Merlin App? It’s a free app that lets you sound ID the birds in your yard. So far, I’ve identified about 8 different birds that visit my yard. I put bird feeders in my back yard a few years ago thinking that my cats would enjoy “Bird TV” from the window but it furns out I like watching the birds far more than they do.

While I work on growing my little flock, head on over to this talented group of quilters and check out all the fine-feathered projects on display!

Happy quilting!’


June 17


Karrin’s Crazy World

Quilting Between the Rails

Selina Quilts

Quilt Doodle Designs

June 18

Homespun Hannah’s Blog


Words & Stitches

High Road Quilter

Quilted Delights

Quilted Snail

June 19

Patchouli Moon Studio

A Quiltery

Ms P Designs USA

Stitching Farm Girl


June 20

Just Let Me Quilt

Isabella’s Whimsy

Quilting Gail

Hazel’s Daughter

Songbird Designs

13 responses to “All Flocked Up

  1. I love your batik birds. Very pretty. Thank you for the tutorial link also.

  2. Your scrappy birds are great!

  3. That flock of birds is great! I love a good stash buster as well. I see all kinds of different birds in your future. Mine might include some super scary Halloween birds! LOL!!

  4. This flock is so much fun! I bet it is kind of addicting once you get going in the scrap bin.

  5. I’ve seen these but never made any. Now you have me wanting to…you’re such an enabler, Beth! LOL They are just so cute and fun. Thanks for flying with us!

  6. Your birds are darling! Love the Merlin App. It’s the best free app available, in my opinion.

  7. Carol Kussart

    Sew cute! You will have a lovely flock when you are done. Thanks for sharing these!

  8. Birds are amazing with their variety of colors and shapes, aren’t they? You will have a good time sorting through your treasure of scraps to design each block and making up some new bird species! My husband uses the Merlin app and it’s just the coolest to find a bird species by their song and some birds have many songs!

  9. These are fun. They are going to be a great flock!

  10. Fun birds! I’m sure I wouldn’t be able to stop making these once I had started – they look addictive!!

  11. Love your colorful flock, and such a nice way to employ your well-endowed scrap bins. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Beth these are adorable! I have to check out that tutorial!! Thanks for sharing!

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